The photo series addresses the negative aspects of the art world, such as market forces, commercialization and cultural conservatism.
The artistic expression has become increasingly homogeneous and less innovative. The art market has increasingly become an arena for speculation and profit, where artists and works of art are valued solely for their financial value, and not for their quality or significance.
All this can contribute to “killing” art, in that artistic exploration and innovation are undermined by profit motives. It has also led to works of art losing their meaning and relevance, and being reduced to empty symbols of wealth and power.
Is there a real danger that art may now die? The artworks visualize the art being “killed” and taken away. Or is it saved? I have emphasized bringing out the contrast between the dark and light, which symbolizes the transition between the safe and the unknown.
Art is a very multifaceted form of expression that can be interpreted and perceived differently by different people. This also applies to these works of art.